Friday 7 February 2014

Concept Ideas

After messing around in the creation kit and having it crash... sigh, I decided to draw out a couple of ideas for a map and start thinking about a basic quest idea.

- - - - - - Map - - - - - -
You can see in this picture I am trying to keep the layout fairly complex whilst still trying not to confuse the player, the idea I want to go for is to have a fairly realistic seeming structure whilst still maintaining a natural feel of play through for the player. I am thinking about achieving this by having lots of side rooms coming off of the main corridors, basic rooms that I can populate with enemies, bookshelves, alchemy tables, rubble and much more aesthetically pleasing items.  

- - - - - - Quest - - - - - - 
So far I have been thinking about the idea of having a boss called "Onstwon" inhabit the dungeon along with his loyal followers (some being Drague and some being Necromancers). The player will hopefully receive a quest from someone in a nearby town or from a pick-up such as a diary and will have to go through figuring out what happened to a previous adventurer that dared the tombs.

To aid in this experience I am thinking about littering the tombs with various skeletons and bodies and have the player searching through them trying to identify a certain previous adventurer. 

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