Monday 24 March 2014


The next important step in the process of designing my level is to provide a virtual map telling AI where they are allowed to walk. Navmeshing is a very important part of level design within the Creation kit as without it your AI will simply stand still and not travel around leaving the immersion of the game completely ruined. Below you can see the auto generate navmesh. The next step for me is to take this navmesh and enhance it and make it less messy, I do this by going close to each segment of the mesh and manipulating the vertices and cutting and moving each point around until it is a clear and easy to navigate map for the AI.

More Cluttering

Whilst cluttering I am taking the time to look at the more in depth items as well as the bigger items that make up the room. By this I mean that an important part of making a room is not only putting furniture in, but putting items on the furniture.

In the picture below you can see how I have made a small area with some larger pieces of furniture as well as put some details in such as the helmet and arrows on the table.

Cluttering / Light

I have now started going room by room in my dungeon and began to breathe life into everywhere by using different items to ensure the dungeon looks lived in. The key to this stage it to always think about the player, when the player enters a room you need to highlight key areas to make sure that their attention will be drawn to key areas. You also need to tell a story with the props in your level, by this I mean, everything in there didn't just randomly appear, the place needs to feel lived in, everything is there for a reason.

Here is how the first room has come along so far.

Cave / Exit

I thought it would be pretty cool for the exit of the cave to be a small cave system, this way I could make the world hook-up for the exit nearby the entrance location but make it so the player is surprised at how close the exit was. I want to make the exit on the exterior quite well hidden so the player doesn't find it before finding the entrance.

Here is the cave from the inside.

Sunday 23 March 2014

Layout Complete

The layout has now been finished, here it is;

The next step now is to ensure there are no world holes anywhere and then go through and clutter. After that I will add enemies, traps and figure out a quest line. The final stage will be to hook the dungeon up to the world. 

Slowing the player

The threat is always present when designing a level of the different kind of players that will experience your creation, there are three main types of players;

  • The player that will rush through paying minimal attention to detail, to combat these types of players you want plenty of obstacles, traps, and enemies that will slow them down and ensure they do not beat your level within minutes. 
  • The player that will explore your level and pay attention to some of the finer details, they will look for loot and get a better feel for the story and quests than the previous type. This player requires a decent amount of authenticity to enable them to feel satisfied with the level. In order to ensure this player has a good experience I am trying to offer the opportunity for exploration by branching off the dungeon into different rooms where this player can explore and be rewarded for taking extra time out.
  • The final type of player is the perfectionist, the person who will pay attention to all the story line, who will want to go through and make sure they have beaten and gotten everything out of the level that is possible. To satisfy this player I will use a same approach as the last and ensure everything is very authentic and looks as though everything belongs where it has been placed. A lot of the design for this player will happen through the cluttering and quest making. 
In the image below you can see that I have ensured players will have to go back and explore and come across more enemies before they are allowed to progress to the boss room. 

  1. Player comes across a locked door
  2. Player backtracks to find out why the door is locked and finds the lever in a "Fight room"
  3. Player continues on original heading through to the boss room.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Layout Nearing Completion

The layout of my dungeon is almost complete. I now only have the players escape route to make. I am planning on creating a small cave system for the player to navigate in order to get out rather than the original plan of having the dungeon loop back around to the beginning.